Short stories in English translated into many languages in a convenient parallel text format to help you learn them more quickly and easily.


The Search for Lorna 
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip

The Bookworm

A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip
The Nightwatch
The Oak
The Bookworm
The Mumbling Man

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise
The Surprise 2
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip

The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Bookworm
The Wedding
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna

The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Bookworm
The Auction

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Green Lodge
A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Bookworm

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Auction

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch mp3
A Nice Little Trip mp3
The Bookworm mp3
The Auction

The Search for Lorna 1
The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch

A Nice Little Trip

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

A Matter of Justice

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak

The language spoken
in Uganda
The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Oak  

The Search for Lorna

The search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Oak 1
The Oak 2
The Bookworm
A Nice Little Trip
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

The Wedding
A Matter of Justice
The River Mist
The Auction

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna 1

The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise
The Nightwatch 1

The Nightwatch 2
Daisy Macbeth
The Oak

The Nightwatch
The Oak

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

The Wedding 1
The Wedding 2
A Matter of Justice 1
A Matter of Justice 2
The Serial Killer
The Auction
The River Mist
Upside Down

The Search for Lorna 1

The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Bookworm

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Mumbling Man
The Oak
A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna


The Search for Lorna

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna



THE DAISY STORIES by Crystal Jones © 1995-2018

Translation by: Rosario de Zayas Rueda • Email:  rosario@tatutrad.net


La sorpresa

   The surprise

Daisy cogió el teléfono e intentó ponerse en contacto de nuevo con su cliente.

Daisy picked up the telephone and tried to get through to her client again.

Su cliente, un tal Frank Baccini, que tenía un almacén de electrodomésticos, no le había pagado por sus dos días de trabajo.

Her client, a certain Frank Baccini, who had a warehouse of electrical goods, had not paid for her two days' work.

Daisy había descubierto dónde estaba viviendo el socio deshonesto del Sr. Baccini y estaba esperando ansiosamente el cheque.

Daisy had managed to discover where Mr. Baccini's dishonest partner was now living and was anxiously expecting her cheque.

Daisy estaba empezando a pensar que su cliente era también deshonesto.

Daisy was beginning to think that her client was dishonest too.

Un aburrido "Hola, ¿puedo hacer algo por usted?" fue la respuesta desde el otro lado de la línea.

A very bored "Hello, can I help you?" was the reply at the other end.

Era la voz de una mujer joven, la secretaria de Frank Baccini.

It was a young woman's voice, Frank Baccini's secretary.

"Me gustaría hablar con el Sr. Baccini, por favor."

"I'd like to speak to Mr. Baccini, please."

"Lo siento, el Sr. Baccini está fuera de la ciudad."

"Sorry, Mr. Baccini is out of town."

"¿Cuándo volverá?" insistió Daisy.

"But when is he coming back?" insisted Daisy.

"Me temo que no lo sé."

"I'm afraid I don't know."

"¿Podría decirle que ha llamado Daisy Hamilton y que me gustaría hablar con él urgentemente?."

"Will you tell him Daisy Hamilton telephoned and would like to talk to him urgently."

"Bueno - sí, me imagino que sí", fue la desconcertante respuesta.

"Well - yes, I suppose so," was the completely unconcerned reply.

Era la décima vez que Daisy hablaba con esta joven en dos semanas, pero Frank Baccini no se había puesto en contacto con ella todavía.

This was the tenth telephone conversation Daisy had had in two weeks with this young woman, but Frank Baccini hadn't got in touch with her yet.

Daisy estaba furiosa y decidió ir al almacén del Sr. Baccini para ver si estaba allí.

Daisy was furious and decided to go to Mr. Baccini's warehouse to see if he was there.

Cuando llegó, llamó a la puerta de la oficina.

When she arrived, she knocked on the office door.

La secretaria del Sr. Baccini contestó con su monótona voz: "Pase".

Mr. Baccini's secretary said in her monotonous voice: "Come in."

"He llamado muchas veces - mi nombre es Daisy Hamilton".

"I've telephoned many times - my name is Daisy Hamilton."

"¿De verdad? ¿Con quién desea hablar?" Contestó la joven sin ni siquiera mirar a Daisy.

"Really? Who did you want to speak to?" asked the young woman without even glancing at Daisy.

"Quiero hablar con el Sr. Baccini," contestó Daisy.

"I want to speak to Mr. Baccini," replied Daisy.

Estaba poniéndose más y más agresiva por momentos.

She was becoming even more aggressive.

"Me temo que no se encuentra aquí", contestó la secretaria con su acostumbrado tono monótono, y siguió leyendo la revista.

"I'm afraid he's not here," said the secretary in her usual monotonous way and went on reading her magazine.

Daisy gritó "¡Ya está bien!" y dio un portazo al salir.

Daisy shouted "Enough is enough!" and banged the door closed.

Daisy estaba bastante deprimida.

Daisy felt rather depressed.

"Ya sé lo que voy a hacer," pensó, "me pararé en Luigi´s para tomarme un sabroso banana split."

"I know what I'll do," she thought, "I'll stop off at Luigi's for a nice banana split."

A Daisy le gustaba sentarse en la heladería de Luigi y charlar un poco con el dueño, un italiano optimista.

Daisy liked sitting in Luigi's ice-cream parlour and having a little chat with the owner, a positive-thinking Italian.

Cuando Daisy subió las escaleras de su oficina se sentía un poco menos decepcionada por la humanidad.

As Daisy walked up the stairs to her office she felt a little less sore about human beings.

Cuando Daisy estaba cambiándose los zapatos por un par más cómodo, alguien llamó a la puerta y entró.

Just as Daisy was changing her shoes to a more comfortable pair, someone knocked on the door and walked in.

Era un trabajador en mono.

It was a workman in overalls.

"Discúlpeme señorita - ¿Es Vd. la Srta. Daisy Hamilton? ¿Dónde ponemos esto?" dijo, señalando dos grandes cajas que estaban en el rellano.

"Excuse me miss - are you Miss Daisy Hamilton? Where shall we put these?" pointing to two large boxes on the landing.

"Sí, yo soy Daisy Hamilton pero ¿qué tienen ahí? - ¿Qué hay en esas cajas?"

"Yes, I am Daisy Hamilton but what have you got there - what's in those boxes?"

"La grande es un frigorífico y la pequeña una cafetera de capuchino. Ha elegido bien, ¿sabe? son de las mejores marcas".

"The big one is a fridge and the smaller one is a cappuccino-making machine. You've chosen well, you know, these are the best makes around."

"Yo no he pedido nada de eso," exclamó Daisy.

"I haven't ordered either of these," exclaimed Daisy.

"¡Pero su nombre está en la nota de entrega!" insistió el trabajador.

"But it's your name on the delivery note!" insisted the workman.

"Está todo pagado - sólo dígame donde ponerlos".

"It's all paid for - just tell me where to put them."

Daisy estaba a punto de rechazar la entrega cuando vio a Frank Baccini entrando también por la puerta.

Daisy was just about to refuse the goods when she saw Frank Baccini coming in the door, too.

"Srta. Hamilton. Siento mucho no haber estado en contacto.

"Miss Hamilton. I'm very sorry I haven't been in touch.

Espero que no le importe pero me he enterado de que no tenía frigorífico en su oficina y... esta cafetera de capuchino es una pequeña especialidad de la casa.

I do hope you don't mind but I had noticed you didn't have a fridge in your office and... this cappuccino-making machine is a little speciality.

Ah, por cierto, aquí tiene el cheque por el estupendo trabajo que desarrolló, con un pequeño extra por sus gastos."

Oh, by the way here is your cheque for the excellent work you did, with a little extra for your expenses."

Frank Baccini vio que Daisy estaba atónita y añadió:

Frank Baccini saw Daisy was astonished and added:

"Espero que le llamase mi secretaria. He estado un par de semanas fuera por mi luna de miel."

"My secretary did phone you, I hope? I've been away for a couple of weeks on honeymoon."

Daisy se recuperó, "Bueno, no, ella no me dijo nada - ¡pero no se preocupe Sr. Baccini!.

Daisy recovered herself, "Well, no, she didn't - but that's quite all right Mr. Baccini!"


Lonweb.org has been online since 1997 and has always managed to remain a not-for-profit website offering all its resources for free. Most Daisy Stories, Arranger Stories and Opal Stories have been translated by volunteers. Would you like to become one of them? You can start right away following a couple of very simple instructions: when translating the Daisy, Arranger or Opal Stories please use the templates provided below and fit your translation into the parallel text slots provided. After completion, please send your translation to robertocasiraghi AT elingue DOT net, it will be published in a matter of days.

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
Night Watch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Mystery of
    Green Lodge

A Matter of Justice
The Wedding
The Mumbling Man
The Old Manor House

The Serial Killer
The Mysterious Hand
The Lost Cat
Too Many Cakes Spoil
    the Dough

The Lost Collection Box
The Spin Doctor

The Auction
The River Mist

Upside Down
Parallel Homes
Different Existences
East is West and West
    is East




La sorpresa

   The surprise

Daisy cogió el teléfono e intentó ponerse en contacto de nuevo con su cliente.

Daisy picked up the telephone and tried to get through to her client again.

Su cliente, un tal Frank Baccini, que tenía un almacén de electrodomésticos, no le había pagado por sus dos días de trabajo.

Her client, a certain Frank Baccini, who had a warehouse of electrical goods, had not paid for her two days' work.

Daisy había descubierto dónde estaba viviendo el socio deshonesto del Sr. Baccini y estaba esperando ansiosamente el cheque.

Daisy had managed to discover where Mr. Baccini's dishonest partner was now living and was anxiously expecting her cheque.

Daisy estaba empezando a pensar que su cliente era también deshonesto.

Daisy was beginning to think that her client was dishonest too.

Un aburrido "Hola, ¿puedo hacer algo por usted?" fue la respuesta desde el otro lado de la línea.

A very bored "Hello, can I help you?" was the reply at the other end.

Era la voz de una mujer joven, la secretaria de Frank Baccini.

It was a young woman's voice, Frank Baccini's secretary.

"Me gustaría hablar con el Sr. Baccini, por favor."

"I'd like to speak to Mr. Baccini, please."

"Lo siento, el Sr. Baccini está fuera de la ciudad."

"Sorry, Mr. Baccini is out of town."

"¿Cuándo volverá?" insistió Daisy.

"But when is he coming back?" insisted Daisy.

"Me temo que no lo sé."

"I'm afraid I don't know."

"¿Podría decirle que ha llamado Daisy Hamilton y que me gustaría hablar con él urgentemente?."

"Will you tell him Daisy Hamilton telephoned and would like to talk to him urgently."

"Bueno - sí, me imagino que sí", fue la desconcertante respuesta.

"Well - yes, I suppose so," was the completely unconcerned reply.

Era la décima vez que Daisy hablaba con esta joven en dos semanas, pero Frank Baccini no se había puesto en contacto con ella todavía.

This was the tenth telephone conversation Daisy had had in two weeks with this young woman, but Frank Baccini hadn't got in touch with her yet.

Daisy estaba furiosa y decidió ir al almacén del Sr. Baccini para ver si estaba allí.

Daisy was furious and decided to go to Mr. Baccini's warehouse to see if he was there.

Cuando llegó, llamó a la puerta de la oficina.

When she arrived, she knocked on the office door.

La secretaria del Sr. Baccini contestó con su monótona voz: "Pase".

Mr. Baccini's secretary said in her monotonous voice: "Come in."

"He llamado muchas veces - mi nombre es Daisy Hamilton".

"I've telephoned many times - my name is Daisy Hamilton."

"¿De verdad? ¿Con quién desea hablar?" Contestó la joven sin ni siquiera mirar a Daisy.

"Really? Who did you want to speak to?" asked the young woman without even glancing at Daisy.

"Quiero hablar con el Sr. Baccini," contestó Daisy.

"I want to speak to Mr. Baccini," replied Daisy.

Estaba poniéndose más y más agresiva por momentos.

She was becoming even more aggressive.

"Me temo que no se encuentra aquí", contestó la secretaria con su acostumbrado tono monótono, y siguió leyendo la revista.

"I'm afraid he's not here," said the secretary in her usual monotonous way and went on reading her magazine.

Daisy gritó "¡Ya está bien!" y dio un portazo al salir.

Daisy shouted "Enough is enough!" and banged the door closed.

Daisy estaba bastante deprimida.

Daisy felt rather depressed.

"Ya sé lo que voy a hacer," pensó, "me pararé en Luigi´s para tomarme un sabroso banana split."

"I know what I'll do," she thought, "I'll stop off at Luigi's for a nice banana split."

A Daisy le gustaba sentarse en la heladería de Luigi y charlar un poco con el dueño, un italiano optimista.

Daisy liked sitting in Luigi's ice-cream parlour and having a little chat with the owner, a positive-thinking Italian.

Cuando Daisy subió las escaleras de su oficina se sentía un poco menos decepcionada por la humanidad.

As Daisy walked up the stairs to her office she felt a little less sore about human beings.

Cuando Daisy estaba cambiándose los zapatos por un par más cómodo, alguien llamó a la puerta y entró.

Just as Daisy was changing her shoes to a more comfortable pair, someone knocked on the door and walked in.

Era un trabajador en mono.

It was a workman in overalls.

"Discúlpeme señorita - ¿Es Vd. la Srta. Daisy Hamilton? ¿Dónde ponemos esto?" dijo, señalando dos grandes cajas que estaban en el rellano.

"Excuse me miss - are you Miss Daisy Hamilton? Where shall we put these?" pointing to two large boxes on the landing.

"Sí, yo soy Daisy Hamilton pero ¿qué tienen ahí? - ¿Qué hay en esas cajas?"

"Yes, I am Daisy Hamilton but what have you got there - what's in those boxes?"

"La grande es un frigorífico y la pequeña una cafetera de capuchino. Ha elegido bien, ¿sabe? son de las mejores marcas".

"The big one is a fridge and the smaller one is a cappuccino-making machine. You've chosen well, you know, these are the best makes around."

"Yo no he pedido nada de eso," exclamó Daisy.

"I haven't ordered either of these," exclaimed Daisy.

"¡Pero su nombre está en la nota de entrega!" insistió el trabajador.

"But it's your name on the delivery note!" insisted the workman.

"Está todo pagado - sólo dígame donde ponerlos".

"It's all paid for - just tell me where to put them."

Daisy estaba a punto de rechazar la entrega cuando vio a Frank Baccini entrando también por la puerta.

Daisy was just about to refuse the goods when she saw Frank Baccini coming in the door, too.

"Srta. Hamilton. Siento mucho no haber estado en contacto.

"Miss Hamilton. I'm very sorry I haven't been in touch.

Espero que no le importe pero me he enterado de que no tenía frigorífico en su oficina y... esta cafetera de capuchino es una pequeña especialidad de la casa.

I do hope you don't mind but I had noticed you didn't have a fridge in your office and... this cappuccino-making machine is a little speciality.

Ah, por cierto, aquí tiene el cheque por el estupendo trabajo que desarrolló, con un pequeño extra por sus gastos."

Oh, by the way here is your cheque for the excellent work you did, with a little extra for your expenses."

Frank Baccini vio que Daisy estaba atónita y añadió:

Frank Baccini saw Daisy was astonished and added:

"Espero que le llamase mi secretaria. He estado un par de semanas fuera por mi luna de miel."

"My secretary did phone you, I hope? I've been away for a couple of weeks on honeymoon."

Daisy se recuperó, "Bueno, no, ella no me dijo nada - ¡pero no se preocupe Sr. Baccini!.

Daisy recovered herself, "Well, no, she didn't - but that's quite all right Mr. Baccini!"


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